
Showing posts from February, 2020

Genetics suck & Meds Aren't Magic

I'm not sure I even have the energy at this point to write much about today, but I'll try. I'll start by saying that I have been medicated for a about 5 years now, my son has been medicated for about a month. He did not understand until about a week ago that the medicine was from the doctor. For some reason he thought it was just stuff I picked up from the store and was making him take, so he wasn't taking them consistently. This last week though he's been better with taking them and they have made a difference. All that to say that even on medicine, we still have bad days. We still have to work hard and fight for ourselves. The meds help, but they're not a magical potion. This morning my older son had a therapy appointment. He, of course, tells his therapist things that he doesn't tell me. She ends up calling me because he admitted to self harming. Long story short, keep sharp things away from him and watch him like a hawk when he's in a mood. He was no...