Sad and disheartening
Hello all! I don't know if you are parents, but if you are, you know that it is hard. And knowing when to allow certain things is a whole other ballpark. I don't allow my kids on the internet, unless I am there behind them watching what they are doing. I will not be buying them a phone with internet access... unless of course I'm able to have full access at any time. Kids have enough trouble and temptations, they don't need access to the internet constantly to make things harder. Last week I allowed my boys (ages 8 and 4) to go to a neighbor's house to celebrate the neighbor boy's birthday. This was the first time I ever let them be in the care of someone other than family, or during church when they are in their designated areas. This was a big thing for me. I'm a very protective mama. I don't mess around when it comes to my kids. I was unsure of letting them go over there because the kid isn't a very nice kid, and I don't really care ...