Sad and disheartening

Hello all!

I don't know if you are parents, but if you are, you know that it is hard. And knowing when to allow certain things is a whole other ballpark.
I don't allow my kids on the internet, unless I am there behind them watching what they are doing.
I will not be buying them a phone with internet access... unless of course I'm able to have full access at any time.

Kids have enough trouble and temptations, they don't need access to the internet constantly to make things harder.

Last week I allowed my boys (ages 8 and 4) to go to a neighbor's house to celebrate the neighbor boy's birthday. This was the first time I ever let them be in the care of someone other than family, or during church when they are in their designated areas. This was a big thing for me. I'm a very protective mama. I don't mess around when it comes to my kids.

I was unsure of letting them go over there because the kid isn't a very nice kid, and I don't really care for him. But I'm trying to allow my children to learn that there are all kids of people in the world and if they can learn to not be friends with people who are unkind at a young age then good! Better sooner than later. (Such a hard lesson to learn.)

Yesterday my son was talking about a boy at school talking about his dirty dreams about another student and used an inappropriate hand gesture to mean sex instead of saying the word in front of his little brother. We discussed it and moved on.

Then tonight he told me that while at the birthday the birthday boy and one of his friends were in one of the rooms looking at pornography. He, of course, had no idea what it was. He saw 2 women, and a man, and then a close up of one of the women's area. He asked the boy what it was. When the boy told him he said he left. He then made sure his little brother didn't go in the room.

I'm so proud that he chose to leave and protect his little brother.

But what the heck!? Why are young boys able to see this smut!? Why are the parents not paying attention to what their children are doing!? Why is this stuff so easy to access!?

It breaks my heart that I have to virtually blind my children so they can learn about life and the way we are made from me instead of online; where it will be given to them in ways that are unrealistic. And will set them up to fail in the future with their future loves.

I was planning to have "the talk" with my older son this summer. I want him to have time to process everything and ask me all the questions. And can process it before going back to school. I am planning to do this over a few days. I want to take the first day to explain his body and how the man's body was created and how his system works. The next day I want to explain the women's. And then the third day to explain how they work together.

I'm praying God gives me the right words and way to explain it so that he can understand it and have a healthy view of sex and the body's we have been given.

Wish me luck!

Remember, if you feel as though you are dealing with a mental illness, find help! There are so many options and so many tools for you! You don't need to suffer!


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