Busy, In Pain, and it's only Monday
Hey yall, This week is going to be a very busy week and I'm just worn out. Last week I had my follow up appointment with my new doctor. I liked her a lot more this time than the first time. I'm down 5lbs (yay me!) And my biggest complaint with my antidepressant is that it causes some serious vertigo. So she suggested that I switch to taking it at night instead of in the morning, but so far it's not helping. If it keeps up I will discuss trying a new medication with her. The last two nights I've had migraines and upset stomach, so that just wears me out. I can't even rock in the rocking chair or work on my crochet project. Which are both very sad for me. lol And since making the appointment to have my dog put down I've been having a lot of lock jaw issues with is also a cause of my headaches (which I have everyday most of the time all day long) so my teeth are super sensitive and painful. Just drinking room temperature water causes pain. And I'm not r...