Busy, In Pain, and it's only Monday

Hey yall,

This week is going to be a very busy week and I'm just worn out.
Last week I had my follow up appointment with my new doctor. I liked her a lot more this time than the first time. I'm down 5lbs (yay me!) And my biggest complaint with my antidepressant is that it causes some serious vertigo.  So she suggested that I switch to taking it at night instead of in the morning, but so far it's not helping. If it keeps up I will discuss trying a new medication with her.

The last two nights I've had migraines and upset stomach, so that just wears me out. I can't even rock in the rocking chair or work on my crochet project. Which are both very sad for me. lol

And since making the appointment to have my dog put down I've been having a lot of lock jaw issues with is also a cause of my headaches (which I have everyday most of the time all day long) so my teeth are super sensitive and painful. Just drinking room temperature water causes pain. And I'm not really sure what can be done for it. Right now we can't afford to do anything even if I did have answers.

Tomorrow morning my oldest son has his first orthodontist appointment. Time for us to see how we can fix his side bite and all that good stuff. Hopefully it will go well. And thankfully it's a free consultation.

Then on Wednesday I will be giving the boy's hair cuts/trims. Wednesday night is open house for my oldest son. He's looking forward to seeing who all is in his class, but that is where his excitement ends. If I had more patience with him I would probably home school him because he has so much stress and dislike for school, but it's just not doable for us. I'm hoping that doing what I did last year, where he gets home, has a snack, and then has 30 minutes of physical activity before starting homework will work again this year.

Thursday I will braid his hair and then that night I have my audition to join the praise team at church. I'm looking forward to getting into that again.

And then Friday is the first day of school! And it's the first year that my little one will be out of the house. I'm sad that he's old enough for 3 hour preschool, but at the same time I'm really going to enjoy some quiet time. I think it will really help me mentally, physically, emotionally.. really in all ways. Plus I'll be able to do my grocery shopping by myself! It's going to be a wonderful thing. LOL

Like I said, it's a really busy week. And I feel like I'm missing something. I feel like there's something I'm supposed to be doing today (Monday) but for the life of me can't figure out what it is.

On a happy note, God provided for us this week! We weren't going to get rent paid due to issues with my husband's work. And I had to put school clothes and supplies on the credit card (which I hate to do) But God provided and we got it paid on time! 

On a sad note, my husband's credit card information was stolen and some charges were being made to it that were not him. But on a good note Capital One is an awesome company and they have great customer service and his card was shut down and everything taken care of right away. (If you're looking for a good credit card company I highly recommend Capital One.)

On another sad note, my husband's job is screwing him over and his truck is not the safest. But on a Praise God note he has a new job that he will start at the end of the month. That is based out of town a couple hours from us and he will only travel in the lower states. So hubby his happy about that because he doesn't do winter and lots of snow, and also because he can be home weekly if he chooses to! So happiness all around.

OH! I just remembered what I was going to do today! Yippee!! LOL! Each year I write an "introduction to my son" letter to my son's teacher. It gives them some insight into how my son is and how he works, but it also lets them know that I'm part of their team and that I am praying for them and thankful for them. I'm so glad I remembered, that was going to drive me nuts!

Remember my dears, mental illness is real and it's hard. Don't give up! Stay strong! And get the help you need! For as crazy feeling and hulkish I was it only takes a very low dose of medicine for me to keep the crazy at bay, and I am so so thankful for it! Hang in there!


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