Sitting In A Silent Night

With my boys and hubby in their beds sleeping, while I prepare food for Christmas, it's abnormally quiet. I usually don't like the silence, most of the time I have the tv on or music playing. But tonight as I sit here on this quiet Christmas Eve, I can't help but to think of my mom and how much she loved Christmas. Every time I pass our main road in this small town I think of her. The trees that line the street are lit up for Christmas with white vertical lights that look as if the stars are falling. Each time I pass I smile and then cry because she doesn't get to see them, but oh how she would love them. I giggle each year when I get out my Christmas tree, not because of the tree itself but because of the memory attached to it. My husband bought our tree 6 years ago. It was our first "big" tree. I was pregnant with our youngest and my parents had arrived with the expectation that he would arrive soon (spoiler: he didn't). We put the tree up, and I was exc...