Quarantine has given me lots of time to think. We're doing school from home, therapy over video, and staying away from people as much as possible. And quite frankly it is no fun! My boys do not like school at all. Neither of them can focus well and it's very taxing. I have to sit with each of them the whole time to make sure they get everything done. That alone takes up the full day! Plus you have to factory in lunch time, and the inevitable melt downs and tantrums. There is a bright spot in it all though, they are both doing better with their school work. Lol During this time of, I want to say quietness but it's not quite here lol, lock down I've been able to reflect a lot over this past year or so. My mom's birthday was last week, and that brought a lot of things to mind. But I've realized that I've purposefully not thought about what my mom went through and what I experienced with her in her final months. And now, I'm going to purposefully do that so...