Our masks should be allowed to slip -not virus related
So often I feel like I have to keep a mask on at all times. A mask of being socially acceptable. By that I mean that I have to have my fake face on and be okay because I'm supposed to have my stuff together. I'm a Christ follower, I'm supposed to always have a smile, a sweet demeanor, and constant joy in the Lord. I'm not supposed to show how much physical pain I'm in, day in and day out. I'm not supposed to show how much having mentally unstable children drains me and sucks the joy of motherhood out of me. And don't I dare ever show when my depression is in full swing. Heaven forbid I show that I'm struggling. Personally when it's been a rough day with my kids , or my own mental health, my body will physically rebel after they go to bed. I live with chronic pain 24/7, but you wouldn't know it. I live with a constant battle within myself 24/7, but you wouldn't know it. I feel the emotions of those around me 24/7, but you wouldn't kn...