Our masks should be allowed to slip -not virus related

     So often I feel like I have to keep a mask on at all times. A mask of being socially acceptable. By that I mean that I have to have my fake face on and be okay because I'm supposed to have my stuff together. I'm a Christ follower, I'm supposed to always have a smile, a sweet demeanor, and constant joy in the Lord. I'm not supposed to show how much physical pain I'm in, day in and day out. I'm not supposed to show how much having mentally unstable children drains me and sucks the joy of motherhood out of me. And don't I dare ever show when my depression is in full swing. Heaven forbid I show that I'm struggling. 

Personally when it's been a rough day with my kids , or my own mental health, my body will physically rebel after they go to bed. I live with chronic pain 24/7, but you wouldn't know it. I live with a constant battle within myself 24/7, but you wouldn't know it. I feel the emotions of those around me 24/7, but you wouldn't know it. And guess what... it's exhausting! And all of the things that go on behind the mask that people cannot see come crashing down when I'm finally able to relax behind my own closed doors. And this is just an example coming from myself. I don't even know the heavy loads others are carrying.

As a society we have to allow each other to show when it hurts. We have to allow that parent to show when they're at the end of their rope. We have to speak life and love into one another. We have to allow others to see and know that they're not alone in their pain and in their journey. And do it without judgement (that's an even harder part).

Too often people put blinders on to what people are going through around them because they want to mind their business or stay in their place. But so much good could come from a kind word or a helping hand. The other day I was at the store and an employee of the store came walking by me. And I could see and feel the frustration and pain she was feeling. So, I asked her if she was okay. She automatically put a smile on and said, "yes, I'm fine, just work". But it wasn't the truth. She wasn't fine, I could see that. I hope that she at least knew that I cared and that I saw her, but I'd rather her tell me the truth. We have to allow ourselves, and others, to be honest about what is going on and the toll it's taking on us, and also those around us.
I know with covid restrictions it's hard to spread love and cheer in ways we normally would, especially if you're a hugger like I am. But reach out to those around you. Ask people how they are doing and stick around to actually hear their response. If you can, video call them. There doesn't need to be a specific reason, just check on them. 
We were not created to do life alone. Don't let societies expectations dictate how you show love and compassion. Don't allow others' expectations to shame you into keeping quiet about how you're feeling.

You are worth the journey of finding inner peace (haha made me think of Kung Fu Panda). You are worth finding the right balance in yourself. It's very hard, but it's worth it. 

If you do not struggle with mental health issues, I'm so very grateful for that! Use the balance within yourself to be the help to someone else. 


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