
Showing posts from December, 2015

Why Women Have to Find Themselves After Kids Get Older

It hit me the other day why women always seem to need to "find themselves" after their kids reach a certain age. Before women are having kids, people look at them. They talk to THEM. And are interested in THEM. Then once the child is there people cease to want to know about HER and are more focused on the children. And the kids' development and achievements and the kids' dreams. Family wants to know how the kids are doing. They call to talk to the children. They visit.. to see the children. Once the kids get older, people start to not be AS interested in them, but they're not really interested in mom either. I think this is why women feel the need to "find themselves" after children reach a certain age. I know I feel ignored at times, but I pray that I continue to have my interests, dreams, and ambitions. So, if you see a mother with her children out. It's ok to tell her how cute they are and ask about them, but don't forget to ask a...

Back online!! Yay!

We have our internet back, and I'm done making Christmas gifts so here goes an update. :) Did I ever mention I crochet? I made a bunch of gifts for my family and got them sent out. I made my first sweater! It turned out pretty nice. I have another one planned of my own design that I haven't started yet. So we'll see how that goes! My little one turned two! He's such a smart little stinker. He talks, he understands, he's potty trained, and he is tough as nails. My hormones are still crazy. It's hard to feel confident when you're hormones are ridiculous and you're covered with painful acne. Plus just feeling like your emotions and anger are all out of wack doesn't help. But it's been better than it was. My moods I mean. We have a vehicle! My hubby surprised me with it at Thanksgiving. It's nice to have wheels, but not nice sinking a butt load of money into it before it was safe to drive. We had to replace the rotors, calipers, an...