Back online!! Yay!
We have our internet back, and I'm done making Christmas gifts so here goes an update. :)
Did I ever mention I crochet? I made a bunch of gifts for my family and got them sent out. I made my first sweater! It turned out pretty nice. I have another one planned of my own design that I haven't started yet. So we'll see how that goes!
My little one turned two! He's such a smart little stinker. He talks, he understands, he's potty trained, and he is tough as nails.
My hormones are still crazy. It's hard to feel confident when you're hormones are ridiculous and you're covered with painful acne. Plus just feeling like your emotions and anger are all out of wack doesn't help. But it's been better than it was. My moods I mean.
We have a vehicle! My hubby surprised me with it at Thanksgiving. It's nice to have wheels, but not nice sinking a butt load of money into it before it was safe to drive. We had to replace the rotors, calipers, and brake pads. ALL of them! But it runs, and I can do things for myself.
We tried a new church this past Sunday. I'm not sure how I feel about it. One thing I wasn't thrilled with was that no one was interested or cared that it was our first time there. No one introduced themselves to me. They talked to my kids, but not to me. Music was ok. But it's hard to tell much about the music when it's Christmas time. But we'll probably go back next week because they have their Christmas musical. My older one had fun and liked it though. I'm just not sure it's the right fit.
I cooked my first real Thanksgiving meal this year. It turned out pretty dang good! I was quite pleased with myself. My kid's are picky eaters so they didn't really like anything, but us adults did! :)
I'm looking forward to Christmas and the joy it will bring.
I'm thankful to God for His continued provisions and comfort and love.
Until next time!!
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