
Showing posts from November, 2018

A Look at King David My boys and I have been reading the Bible, not every night, but more often than not. We've just completed up to when King David passed away. If we look back at his life and his writings (Psalm) we can see that he really struggled. I think he dealt with depression. He was such an amazing man! He went from being a God fearing shepherd boy to the king God had in store for the Israelites. He fought and killed Goliath. He committed murder and adultery. He was often in fear for his life. And yet he didn't stop praising and relying on God. It's so encouraging to see a man who was often depressed and who made some very poor choices still be used in great ways by God  If you want to be encouraged many of David's songs and prayers are recorded in Psalms. No matter what you've done or where you are mentally, you are worth something! God has a plan for you! If you need help, get help. There is NO shame in getting help. Others in this wor...

Really awful day.

Yesterday was a busy day and it didn't register that it was Wednesday and I should do a video until I went to bed. So, today I'm posting. I'm not doing a video though. I did one, but it was awful and I look awful and I have a bad headache and you could tell. Anyway, today was a bad day. Medication is great and helpful, but it doesn't remove bad days. That being said, my reactions and internal dialog is very different than what it would normally be. It started this morning with my 4 year old. I could possibly leave it at that and other parents would understand. Ha! He was just angry this morning. From when he got up until shortly before going to school he was a screaming, crying, angry mess. All because I asked him to make his bed. He's 5 in less than a month (😢) and he has to straighten up his bed, clean up his toys, and practice his school stuff before he's allowed to watch PBS kids. Well, today he wasn't having it. He was screaming, yelling, crying, t...

A look back

Tonight's video I looked back at some old blog posts from before I got on medication. It's heartbreaking to me to see the anger and how much I hated myself. And it's so sad that I waited so long to get the help I needed. If you need help, please seek help. YOU are worth it! P.S. I look like I don't have any eyebrows. HAHA! Note to self.. do my eyebrows before the next video. LOL!