Too Much At Once
Y'all ever have those days when it's just over load? Of course you do, we all do! And you never know when that day is for others! I was going to record a video, but... 1)I look awful, 2) with everything going on I'm weepy and wouldn't get through the video, and 3) writing it I can make sure I'm making sense and getting what I want out how I want it. Update on my mom: She is still alive. She is steadily declining. She's in more and more pain. We had her pain medication increased today so it should be better. She sleeps most of the time. She is very weak and has fallen a few times. Recently she fell in her room (thankfully she landed on a box of supplies and sat there until she got her strength) but she said she was trying to call for me but she couldn't remember my name. Her voice is also weak so I wouldn't have been able to hear her. I put a bell on the table by her bed, I'm not sure if she will remember what it's there for though. I'd write ...