
Showing posts from March, 2016

More balanced

Depression never just disappears. It's something that is always there, but manageable (sometimes). I still have my rough days. To be more accurate it's more like rough moments throughout the day. But since my husband is now able to be home every night it's made a big difference. I feel so much more balanced. And it's so nice! Another exciting tid bit is that starting in May we will have full medical, dental, and vision insurance! Whoo hoo! Lol it's such a relief to know that we will have the coverage and have steady income coming in. God is so good! <3

Felt like a kid again... Not!

Yesterday evening my oldest son had a music program at school. So, of course, we went. I'm one of those moms that likes to look nice for stuff at my child's school. So I dressed nice. I wore a pair of my favorite dressy pants and wedge heels. Heels that I've worn multiple times and are very comfortable and have never had any issues with. The school has gravel in it's planter beds instead of mulch, which is pretty silly considering it's an elementary school. As we were walking in, I was carrying my 2 year old, and I apparently stepped on a rock and completely lost my balance! I went down hard! Luckily I was able to lift my little one up high enough that when I landed on the sidewalk he simply sat down unharmed. I, however, skinned one knee, cut the other one, and bruised my ankle. And sadly ruined my awesome pants. How embarrassing right?? Lol (Just wait there's more! That sounded like an infomercial LOL) We sat down for the performance and I checked my knee...

Idk how Jesus did it

I don't know how Jesus kept being nice after everything. He knew people's thoughts and He knew they were lying. He knew they were going to disappoint Him. He knew the would betray Him. He knew they talked about Him when he wasn't around. He knew they secretly (or not so secretly) didn't support Him and have His back. And yet He loved them. He was kind to them. He was generous. He was even tempered. He was (still is) Love. I've had some of these things happening recently and I find it hard to like people who act certain ways to me. And when people I love, and who say they love me, do it it's all the more frustrating. Although many times when it's this one; I blame myself for their actions even when that makes no sense. I find myself not wanting to care. Wanting to give up and not try anymore, but that's not how I am. I always keep trying. I keep doing everything even when people don't care that I'm doing it. I keep doing it even when I feel ...

It's been a while!

It's been a while since I wrote.. Not that very many people read this thing anyway.. But it's still been a while. We are slowly adjusting to my husband's new work schedule. I'm not sure the kids and I will ever adjust to getting up and out of the house by 4:30am to take him to work though. Lol but I'm very thankful that he is here and is local. It's also nice to see more of my stepdaughter..who happens to be having a birthday on Monday! It's crazy how fast time flies! She's such a beautiful person and I'm so thankful she is in our lives. Hopefully soon we will officially have shared (50/50) custody and not have to hope that we'll be able to see her. My parents were here this past week and a half. It was a good, but busy, visit. The boys enjoyed them being here very much! I attempted a peanut butter ice cream and Snickers cake for my stepdaughter... Hopefully it turned out. Lol we'll find out soon! Time to enjoy my family! I'll writ...