
Showing posts from April, 2016

A Bus Stop View

Each morning I take my son to school (we live too close for him to ride the bus).  Each morning we pass the middle school kids waiting for the bus. Before we had a car we would walk by the early bird kids and say good morning and wish them a good day, so I knew they were kind and courteous kids waiting there in the mornings.  A month or two ago a new boy joined the bus stop. He consistently wore all black and sat alone with his head down. I could feel that he was hurting. I could feel that he was alone and really having a hard time. Many times I contemplated stopping and talking to him, but an "old" (to them) lady stopping and showing interest in him would, I felt, bring him more bullying and not be helpful. So I began to pray for him. Everyday as I drove by I prayed for this young man, and prayed for the others around him. I prayed that at least one of them would open their eyes and heart to this kid. Last week I noticed one of the boys starting to sit with him and i...

Such a difference!

Last week was a horrible week. It was just bad. The depression was bad, but adding on to that crazy, not listening kids, and disagreement with hubby it was just all piled on and was really hard to get out of. But today was good. And I really enjoy when it's good. I enjoy my kids when I feel mentally well. I laugh at their goofiness and don't get super mad when they are hateful. And oh how wonderful it is! My kids deserve a mommy who laughs with them instead of yells because of getting annoyed about every little thing. So, I will enjoy the day I had and pray for another one. Good night everyone. Remember depression is real and it sucks, but you can get through it! We can help each other. And know that you are NOT alone!

Depression + Guilt

Can I just say.. Again.. Depression SUCKS! There doesn't have to be a reason why I feel like I'm worthless.. I just do. I'm also a Christian. I try to read my Bible. I pray often. I go to church on Sunday. And I really try to be a good Christ follower. But being a Christ follower and battling depression day in and day out is hard. Because I know in my heart that I'm so very valuable because God created me and loves me unconditionally. But my head just doesn't hold on to that all the time. And then I feel guilty because I don't have that joy and happiness the Bible speaks of. I feel guilty because I'm not the person I'd like to be. I'm not the great Christian woman (parent especially) that I long to be. And that guilt can be so very overwhelming. I constantly feel like I'm failing at everything. Recently, during a discussion with someone I brought up something that is in the Bible. The person asked me to stop bringing up the Bible becaus...