A Bus Stop View
Each morning I take my son to school (we live too close for him to ride the bus). Each morning we pass the middle school kids waiting for the bus. Before we had a car we would walk by the early bird kids and say good morning and wish them a good day, so I knew they were kind and courteous kids waiting there in the mornings. A month or two ago a new boy joined the bus stop. He consistently wore all black and sat alone with his head down. I could feel that he was hurting. I could feel that he was alone and really having a hard time. Many times I contemplated stopping and talking to him, but an "old" (to them) lady stopping and showing interest in him would, I felt, bring him more bullying and not be helpful. So I began to pray for him. Everyday as I drove by I prayed for this young man, and prayed for the others around him. I prayed that at least one of them would open their eyes and heart to this kid. Last week I noticed one of the boys starting to sit with him and i...