A Bus Stop View

Each morning I take my son to school (we live too close for him to ride the bus). 
Each morning we pass the middle school kids waiting for the bus.

Before we had a car we would walk by the early bird kids and say good morning and wish them a good day, so I knew they were kind and courteous kids waiting there in the mornings. 

A month or two ago a new boy joined the bus stop. He consistently wore all black and sat alone with his head down. I could feel that he was hurting. I could feel that he was alone and really having a hard time.
Many times I contemplated stopping and talking to him, but an "old" (to them) lady stopping and showing interest in him would, I felt, bring him more bullying and not be helpful. So I began to pray for him. Everyday as I drove by I prayed for this young man, and prayed for the others around him. I prayed that at least one of them would open their eyes and heart to this kid.

Last week I noticed one of the boys starting to sit with him and interacting with him. I inwardly cheered and thanked God. It changed this downcast kid's whole demeanor. His head was held up. He was talking and interacting with someone. And today as I drove by this young man had on a bright blue shirt. 

A blue shirt may not seem like much to most people, but to someone who has been in his place and worn dark clothing because that's how they feel; it was a big deal.

All I could do was smile and thank God for hearing my prayers and for the other young man taking the time to reach out to this new kid.

I've been the new kid all my life. We were always moving and going to new neighborhoods and schools. I understand the frustration of being the odd man out. I understand how much it sucks feeling like you're alone. I understand the pain of bullying. And I understand the weight that lifts when just one person lets you know that you're not alone.

So many people are walking through this world feeling abandoned and alone.
Reach out to someone. You may very well be the person that saves their life.

Have a great day all!


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