Odds and Ends -- Couldn't think of a good title to this one lol
Well my journey to wellness hasn't gone anywhere. lol I called the doctors office last week and had to leave a message, but it works out because we are broke again so I can't afford to go anyway. Our co-pay is low, but if they have to run test and stuff it'll have to wait. I'm always thinking ahead to rent and stuff. It'll be a few days late this month, so we have to pay extra. So I'm trying to make sure we have enough for that before I spend any money. Although I could try to make an appointment for after rent and everything is paid, but I never know what income we will have coming in. So I'll wait it out again. This week we had both of the boys' first dentist appointments so that was extra spending. And in a couple weeks my oldest has allergy testing done... so my appointment will wait even longer. The other part that sucks is that I can't give my 7yr old any medicine for at least 10 days before his allergy test so that the meds don't mess up t...