Odds and Ends -- Couldn't think of a good title to this one lol

Well my journey to wellness hasn't gone anywhere. lol I called the doctors office last week and had to leave a message, but it works out because we are broke again so I can't afford to go anyway. Our co-pay is low, but if they have to run test and stuff it'll have to wait. I'm always thinking ahead to rent and stuff. It'll be a few days late this month, so we have to pay extra. So I'm trying to make sure we have enough for that before I spend any money. Although I could try to make an appointment for after rent and everything is paid, but I never know what income we will have coming in. So I'll wait it out again. This week we had both of the boys' first dentist appointments so that was extra spending. And in a couple weeks my oldest has allergy testing done... so my appointment will wait even longer. The other part that sucks is that I can't give my 7yr old any medicine for at least 10 days before his allergy test so that the meds don't mess up the results. Which means he is going to be very sick by the time the test is done. He's been on medicine of some kind for last 2 years because of being sick from allergies. I hate giving him medicine, but it's either meds of coughing all the time and no sleep for him. And if he's coughing and not sleeping neither am I because him and his brother share a room. It's a vicious cycle. lol

I have contacted a couple of counselors, but didn't hear anything back from them. I did find out that there is a pastor at the church we go to that does counseling, but I'm not sure 1- that I'm comfortable with getting counseling from a pastor and 2 - that I'm comfortable getting counseling from a man.. both of which have something to do with the issues I have already. Although..it could end up being the most beneficial for my psyche and issues with those. I don't know. I'll have to do some more praying on it before I contact him.

A year ago today my Honda CRV broke down and was a goner. I had only had it for 5 months (Yup a stupid buy... I was being impatient about getting a car. At the time I was walking 10 miles a day while pulling my boys in a wagon which total weight ended up being around 80lbs). Anyway we were without a car for a long time. In the end November of last year we bough a jeep from a friend of ours. By the start of December we had to get the whole brake system redone. This week it has started giving us problems again. So we will have to take it back in to where we had it done because there is warranty on the work. So hopefully it won't cost us anything to get it fixed because, like I said before, we're broke.

July 9 - Aug 7 is decades themes at church. I cannot even begin to tell yall how excited I am for this! I LOVE that we get to dress up like the decades each week. I've got all my outfits and ideas ready except for the 90s... I grew up then and I have NO clothes that I can pass off as the 90s style. LOL But I'm sure I'll figure something out. But I'm really excited about it. Especially the 50s, 60s, and 70s. I love those styles and cannot wait to get myself put together each week.

I started reading a book called "If Jesus Were a Parent" which is something I've thought about a lot. But I'm having a hard time reading it. The wording just doesn't flow for me and some of it just doesn't make sense. So I may stop reading it for now and do some more research in areas that I need to look up. I know one thing though, he sure wouldn't parent like I do. I just don't know how to fix me.

That's one of the big things for me toward counseling. I know what my issues are. I know how I want to be, I just can't figure out how to make the changes and keep them as lasting changes. I don't want my kids to be like me mentally when they're older and I feel like I'm setting them up to be that way. And it's not what I want at all.

Through it all God is God and He is Good and He always gives us Happy Moments in all the mess.
So here are some of my happy:
- My hubby is supposed to be getting a raise. His company redid their pay scale stuff for everyone and his will end up being a raise.
- My boys did AMAZING! at the dentist! My 2 year old didn't have any issues with them doing stuff to his teeth. My 7 year old was terrified of the moving chair LOL but did fine with them doing his teeth.
- My 14 year old stepdaughter has been here since school was out and I love having her here. She's such a wonderful young lady. and I love her to pieces! (The only reason I ever specify that she is my STEP daughter is to lessen the drama with her mother. I do feel and treat her as if she is my own.)
- We have food on the table.
- We have a roof over our heads and comfy beds to sleep in.
- We have what we need to survive.
- There was an incredible thunderstorm yesterday morning around 4 am. God know's how to make my heart happy and he Gladly does them.

That's one thing I do know about God. He smiles down at me. He and I share joys and sorrows. We share jokes (Yes we really do lol). And I can feel the twinkle in his eye when he smiles down on me. I'm so far from perfect but he overwhelmingly and joyfully loves me anyway. :)


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