Disappointing, but still ok.
I finally got through to the place where I had been told there was a Christian doctor who could prescribe meds and also did counseling. Had that information been correct it would have been great. Unfortunately. It wasn't completely accurate. The doctor is actually a nurse practitioner, and she works at a facility where they offer counseling and other medical services. So, I would have to pay the fee for seeing the practitioner and a separate fee for seeing one of the counselors. The fees were not expensive compared to normal prices, but for us it's not doable. And they don't do any insurance stuff. They can give you a paper to file with your insurance, but I'm not sure how that would work. But I still have another option. There's a female pastor in the next town over that does counseling and I still have to see a regular doctor, neither of which I've contacted yet. I was very upset earlier after I talked to the clinic on the phone. In that instant I felt som...