
Showing posts from September, 2016

Taming My Tongue.... not easy ha!

I tend to be a fairly blunt person. It's not out of meanness (most of the time lol) and it's not to be rude, it's just how I am. I don't like when people beat around the bush. I would rather have straight answers. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Now, something that contradicts that is that I'm an extremely emotional person too. So that means that sometimes I say things I don't mean and I say hurtful things that should not be said. James 3:1-12 is titled: "Taming the Tongue" coincidence?? I think not. lol In verse 8 it says that our tongues are restless evil, full of deadly poison... because our words carry so much weight to them! Talk about pressure! Verses 9-12 says that we can't be both praising the Lord and cursing our fellow men who were made in God's image. We can't be both loving and mean at the same time. We can't say that we are great Christians but turn around and spit hatefulness to those around us. Proverbs 18:2...

We are all Lazaruses... Lazarusi?? lol

If you are not familiar with the Bible Lazarus was one of Jesus' friends that died, was buried, and raise back to life. What's interesting is that Jesus was sad when Lazarus died, the shortest verse in the Bible is in this story. John 11:35 "Jesus wept." And He was heartbroken because His friend had died. Even though he knew that he could bring Lazarus back to life by just a simple thought or spoken word, he was still sad that the event took place. Lazarus had been dead for four days when Jesus when to his tomb. He told those with him to move the stone away from the door and even one of Lazarus' sisters (Martha) was like.. whoa wait a minute Lord he's been in there a while and he is going to STINK! But they moved the stone anyway. I picture the horrific/nasty looks on their faces when that stone was moved and they got a big whiff of decomposing body. haha I imagine the women taking their veils and covering their noses and mouths and the men using their clo...

An Open Book ... Sort of

I'm an open book... open to the point that God allows me. I love to talk to people. I love to share my life and my experiences and help others any way I can. This is my purpose. My purpose is to share my ups and especially my downs to help others. To show others that they are not alone in their struggles. Not everything I've been through though has been released, by God, for me to share. Some parts would do more harm to share than good. And I never want to be a stumbling block to anyone. Ever! Sometimes, in a small setting, God allows me to share all, but He hasn't given me the green light to share everything full public yet. And that's okay. I am a continuous work in progress. Thankfully God is so very very patient with my stubborn butt. :) I couldn't and wouldn't have made it through life this far without God's never ending love and support. So, maybe someday my whole story will be shared, but until then there is PLENTY to share and lots of p...

Christianity, Love, and Homosexuality -- Hot Topic!

I try to not do hot topic posts until I feel God has released me to do so (which is also true of many experiences in my life that I will not share until God has told me it's time to). Within the last two days God has opened the doors to me to address this topic. Let me get a few things out of the way first: 1. This is not a gay bashing post and would never be! 2. If you comment with hatred on this post I will remove it. 3. God is the same God yesterday, today and forever and He is a God of Love. Warning: Long post ahead. :) The first instance of homosexuality is in Genesis 19 in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. A couple of angels appeared and Lot took them into his home. The men in the city surrounded his house and wanted these men (the angels) to come out so they could have sex with them. Lot refused and offered up his two virgin daughters, but they didn't want the women they wanted the men. The men tried to force their way into Lot's home and the angels blinded them ...