Be a Giver

Lately I've been feeling pressed by God to be more of a giver. Give more of my time. Help those who need help. Offer the lady walking from the school a ride home. (Which I didn't do the other day and God really convicted me on it.) Then yesterday I saw an older guy on the side of the road with the hood up on his van. Now, I'm normally not one to stop and help on the side of the road, because really all I can do is change a tire and jump a car, but I felt the nudge to see if he needed anything. So I did a u-turn and pulled beside him to see if he needed a jump or anything, but he said he was fine, so off I went.
I'm a giver naturally, if I have something that someone needs I will give it to them. I don't have much, but if I can help someone, I will. That make me happy. But God has been telling me to do more. To be more.

I'm not very good at doing devotionals, but I do read it sometimes and today was very fitting for what God has been whispering to me.

James 1:17 says that everything we have we were given by God and His grace.
Another part of the devotional said that He wants us to be available to use. He wants us to be conduits of his love and gifts. He wants to bless us so that we can bless others. That's what we are called for.

So, my prayer is that when I see an opportunity, I take it. To be a vessel of His love.

People don't get enough love, we must be that light in the darkness.

And oh how I pray that I am a light for others.

Remember, if you are struggling with a mental illness, or think something just doesn't feel right, get help. Talk to someone, You are strong enough!


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