Nair no more
I used up the last of the Nair I had bought to use on my mom. She hated being hairy. Probably because she had a lot of dark hair and was made for it when she was young. In high school she would wear long sleeves even in the heat because of her arm hair.
And tonight, just because I had it, I decided to use it. Funny how something stinky and messy can lead you back to special moments.
I happen to have some of her clothing and put on one of her night gowns one night and giggled to myself (with a tear in my eye) because she loved that one and joked about wearing it as a dress.
There's so many little things that remind me of her. Even in my own giggle and voice, I hear her.
I was reflectig the other day of my time spent with her and I can't help but be grateful. Grateful that I could love her through to the end. Grateful that my husband and children were able to say goodbye the evening before she passed. Grateful that my older sister was able to be here during the last few days.
I'm sad that she went so quickly, but I think she knew she was going to be loved and cared for and that made it easier for her to let go. She also knew that dad wouldn't starve to death and that I had given her my word that I'd stay around at least a year to make sure he adjusted okay.
There isn't a moment I don't miss her, but I'm so thankful for the snippets of memories that pop up throughout the day.
Mom was a huge supporter of mental health and is the reason that I'm such an advocate and supporter of those who need it, getting it.
Just this past week I was about to bond with someone over our semicolon tattoos.
If you need help, please get it. It's worth it.
If you don't need the help, be the help for others.
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