Are we That Selfish?
I know it's been a while since I've written and frankly it's because I've been overloaded to the point of not having the energy or the words to write. I started to write in my journal about my journey with my mom through the end of her earthly life, but even that has been at a stand still. But life goes on, things change, and we keep on truckin'.
My kids are done with virtual school (hallelujah!). I think it was harder for me to be my 1st grader's teacher than actual school was for either of them. It's truly not for the faint of heart. lol But, we survived! I have shipped back the stuff they need back, which when you live in a less than 600 sqft apartment, it makes a difference! I'm looking forward to them getting back to normal school and getting to have friends and all that good stuff. I know they're looking forward to it too.
The real reason I decided to write is because of something that happened this week. I was at the store and the lady in front of me didn't realize she dropped her keys. I just happened to look down and saw them, so I said, "Ma'am, you dropped your keys." and she was genuinely shocked and grateful that I let her know and gave her her keys back. And that's just sad! It shouldn't be shocking that someone is a decent human being. Is our society so selfish that it's flabbergasting when someone is nice?! It's crazy!
I get looked at like I'm an odd duck (mostly from my husband lol) because I'm a complimentary person. I want to encourage others. I want to let them know something positive in their day. So, I tell strangers when I like their clothes, I tell strangers when their eyebrows look good, or they have great hair. I want to be the bright spot in their day. If I can at least give someone a boost, then that's what I want to do and I'm okay with being the odd duck. I tend to be anyway. HAHA
It was just surprising to me so I wanted to share.
And to say, Just be nice.
If you are struggling with your mental health, please get help. If you don't need the help then Be the help for someone else.
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