Split personality

Since noticing that my hormones are playing a massive role in my depression and anger, I've been paying more attention to it. I can feel the changes in my body and mind. My body is doing things and I have no control of it! Not having control of things is something I don't like. Lol

I feel like I have a split personality and the person that I like and want around only shows up one week out of every month.
And it sucks!

I'm coming up on a really tough week ahead. I always get extremely irritated (very easily), I'm always tired, and my headaches get worse- sometimes (I should sry most of the time) to migraine level.
So please add myself and my family into your prayers this week, or as we come to mind, because it's going to be a bumpy ride.

I'm hoping once we have insurance I'll be able to find a doctor who wants to help me find out what's going on. Even if that means giving blood every week for months to monitor my hormones!

Also, if you're praying, please pray for God to provide us reliable transportation. I'm very very very thankful to my brother and to the people who live down the road for helping us with rides, but I really hate relying on others for everything. I'm a very "I can do it myself" type of person so not being able to do it myself drives me bonkers.

Haha my older son thinks the word "bonkers" is hilarious and will say it over and over and crack up laughing every time. :)

Well I need to try to get some sleep. I hope you all get some rest tonight and have a good day tomorrow!


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