What female would actually like that!?

This post will be about two totally different things that both fit this title.

I'm emotionally/mentally having a good week. Why? Because it's that time of the month. It's crazy that only while my cycle is here are my hormones better and  I feel like a normal person.
This week I have enjoyed my boys and all their goofiness.

I was able to help my son with his homework without getting frustrated with him for not paying attention or acting like he doesn't know what I'm talking about when he already did it.

I was able to laugh at my little one's craziness instead of being annoyed.

I was able to run around playing with the kids and my dog.

It's been good.

But really... what female actually looks forward to having her period??

One of my neighbor's is an older man who speaks little English. He has been very kind to me and my husband. And regularly helps me with the lawn work. He has given us some fruit from their plants and has started bringing over other random food.

The other day he kind of hugged me and put his nose/mouth to my cheek and took a deep breathe.
I was very caught off guard by it and just thought it was odd.
I looked it up and it is a Thai way of showing affection and appreciation. So I just shrugged it off that it was him just being kind and sharing more of his culture.

Well today he came over, brought food, and did it again. This time to both of my cheeks and then tried to kiss me. Of course I pulled away, I mean really; one, I'm married and two he's around 70 plus years old! In an attempt to get him to go away I got my dog and got her ready to go outside (He was standing outside the back door) and as I bent down to get her hooked to her tether outside he touched my bum. Luckily it didn't really register to me what he had done until later because otherwise he very likely would have gotten hit.

This not only bother's me as a woman to be violated physically.
It makes  me angry that he would disrespect my husband.
It makes me angry that I had thought he was being kind with helping me with the yard when my husband is working.
I thought he was being neighborly and instead he had other intentions in mind!

NO WOMAN WANTS THAT! If you do not have permission DON'T TOUCH! Don't be vulgar. Keep your hands, eyes, and comments all to yourself!
If you cannot show affection in a gentlemanly way then you don't deserve to have the woman. Learn how to be a man and speak and treat a woman respectfully.

So now, I have to deal with telling him he is not to come back to my house unless my husband is home. He is not to bring us any more food. He is not to help me with the yard.
I just hope and pray he understand's me enough to get it through his head so I don't have to talk to his kids, who live at the house too, so they can tell him in their language.

And again... NO woman likes to be violated!!!

P.S. For anyone who wants to take this wrong hear me loud and clear: THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT HE IS ANOTHER RACE/ETHNICITY!

Ok, That is all.


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