
Showing posts from October, 2016

Week One Down!

Today marks one week since I started taking an antidepressant! I cannot even being to tell you how much of a difference it is already making. The first 6 days I took half of a dose and was taking them in the morning. They were making me extremely tired and I was yawning constantly. I was also having worse dizzy spells and feeling sick to my stomach. So yesterday I was going to be taking my first full dose, so I took it in the evening instead of in the morning, and it made a huge difference!! I'm not tired, dizzy, or sick to my stomach! I feel as though my eyes have been made clear. Like this fog and dark cloud has been lifted and it feels glorious!! I'm finding that I'm enjoying the little stupid stuff my kids are doing. I'm not crying as easily. I'm not constantly angry. I do still have my headaches, which the doctor thought was maybe depression related, but I'm happy with the improvement in myself that has already taken place. I feel so much better. And ...

Why did the chicken drive across town??

To go to get first doctor's appointment! And yup.. That chicken is me! Lol I finally had a much needed doctor's appointment. She had me get blood drawn for lots of tests. And also gave me a prescription for my depression. Starting tomorrow morning I begin my road of medicated life! She actually said a lot of my bodily pains and stuff can be related to my depression and the imbalances in my brain. So I hope and pray that that is true and things get much better once the meds get in my system. I do still need to go to the gyno, but she recommended someone that I will try to set up an appointment with. I hate going to the girly Dr, but it is very necessary. Don't worry I won't go into details. LOL Just wanted to tell the few of you that are interested in my health journey that I've come off the gravel path and hopefully beginning onto another roads. (Haha I like that analogy!) Have a good night all!

It's not just physical.

Many people are victims of domestic violence. Many do not have physical bruises, scars, or injuries. Domestic assault/violence is not just physical. It can be emotional and it can be verbal. Psychological scars are so very hard to heal. Sometimes survivors don't realize that they were being abused until after the fact. Abusers are good at turning things around and making it either seem like it is just you over reacting or over thinking or even that they were just joking around. I had a boyfriend many years ago that was a "it's just a joke" kind of abuser. I didn't even realize until recently how abusive he really was. He constantly belittled me.. But of course I was was the stupid one for getting hurt by his jokes. One time he even lit the front of my hair on fire, "on accident". After we had broken up we were still good friends and hung out and even played church league softball together. I had gotten there late and he had been hit in the head wit...

Rainbow Babies -- October: National Infant Loss and Miscarriage Awareness Month

When I had my children, I didn't know about the term "Rainbow Babies". I truly wish I had! I love it! I have two rainbow babies. Most of this blog I wrote a year ago, but it's so relevant and true. I actually teared up reading it. The definition of a rainbow baby is "a child born after a miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or infant loss." I love that rainbows are how God reminded Noah of his promise to never flood the whole earth again. Rainbows are God's reminders of His promises to us. I feel as though my rainbow babies (my two sons) are my reminders that God is with me through all, no matter how painful and difficult. Before I got pregnant with my older son I miscarried twice. Between my two boys I miscarried four more times, the last was with a pair of twins. But if it weren't for God and His healing touch I wouldn't have either on of my boys. Before we got pregnant with our oldest we were going to a church, where we had a few clos...