Why did the chicken drive across town??

To go to get first doctor's appointment!
And yup.. That chicken is me! Lol

I finally had a much needed doctor's appointment. She had me get blood drawn for lots of tests. And also gave me a prescription for my depression.

Starting tomorrow morning I begin my road of medicated life!

She actually said a lot of my bodily pains and stuff can be related to my depression and the imbalances in my brain. So I hope and pray that that is true and things get much better once the meds get in my system.

I do still need to go to the gyno, but she recommended someone that I will try to set up an appointment with. I hate going to the girly Dr, but it is very necessary. Don't worry I won't go into details. LOL

Just wanted to tell the few of you that are interested in my health journey that I've come off the gravel path and hopefully beginning onto another roads. (Haha I like that analogy!)

Have a good night all!


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