Getting there...

So, I've been on my new medication for a while now. It's been much better than what I was on before, but not quite all better. I'll keep going with this one, but will probably see about an increase at my next appointment.
My new birth control has helped a lot. I've not had much pain during the month like I was before.

In June we're going to go see my parents! I'm so ready to see them! Especially my mama! I haven't seen her since before she did her radiation. It'll also be the first time I've been to where they live and they have lived there for around 5 or 6 years.

I'm hoping we can afford it. Why must money rule all??? I really dislike it!

That's all for now.

Hope you are all doing well.

OH! May is mental health awareness month! I think every month we should all be bringing awareness to mental health and the importance of it. It's real and getting the help makes a huge difference! Not only in the life of the person with the mental health issue, but those around them.

Have a great week!


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