
Showing posts from October, 2018

Shouldn't Have To Prove Our Pain

Hey yall, Today my video is about something that I have delt with over the years. If you've looked through my blogs you already know that I've had multiple miscarriages. Over the years many people have not believed me because I didn't have proof of my pregnancies. It is very frustrating and hurtful when this happens. I shouldn't have to prove to anyone about my pain or what I've gone through. No one should have to prove to anyone that their pain is legitimate. It's the same way with mental illness. We shouldn't have to prove what we are going through. We shouldn't have to bend over backwards to get the help that we need. People shouldn't have to prove their pain for others to be compassionate and loving. We are called, by God, to love others. It's the second most important commandment. The first, of course, being love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Love others, love your...

A Medicated Christian

This may be a long one, but that's ok. It's a very important one. If you would rather watch the video I did on this subject here is the link. I've written about this subject a couple of times in my blog, but it is so real and so true, that I'm doing it again. There are multiple verses in the Bible that tell us to rely on God for all things and to find our joy in Him. And if I'm honest reading those often caused me guilt. I have the desire to find all my joy and happiness in the Lord, but it just doesn't happen like that for me. I have to learn to be ok with that. God still loves me and He still wants me to have joy and happiness. Depression, and mental health in general, are often taboo subjects in church. I grew up in the church and grew up with a medicated mother (for depression) and it was still not discussed. Why are so many people ashamed? Why do Christians put such a high wall around certain subjects? We don't hide...

A powerful enemy

Often, I am plagued by harsh memories or flashbacks of things from the past that cause me to feel dark and down. In those times I have to tell myself that those were in the past and I'm beyond that point in life. Sometimes it's the self hatred talk, sometimes it's abuse from past relationships, and sometimes it's struggles that I've had with others that were painful. (sometimes it's the loss of my babies due to miscarriages, most of the time I can reflect on those with joy because I know I will be reunited with them in Heaven.) The key to all of this is knowing that Satan is a liar. His main objective in life is to keep us from God by any means necessary. The verses I used in the video are : John 10:10 1 Peter 5:8-9 James 4:7 John 8:44 One of the main things I have to remember is that Satan is not capable of telling the truth! He wants me to fail. As a person, as a mother, as a friend, and as a wife. I cannot let him win...

No more hiding 😊

Tonight you get me raw and emotional. This evening was a rough evening, I had to get on my treadmill and get some frustration out in my walk. I really don't like to just walk or exercise, but it really does make a big difference in my mental state. I often have to force myself to work out. Tonight's video is about not hiding anymore. Being bold for yourself, be released from the slavery of mental illness. The scriptures I mentioned are: 2 Peter 2:19b "A man is a slave to whatever has mastered him" Ezra 9:9 "Though we are slaves, our God has not deserted us in our bondage. He has shown us kindness ... He has granted us new life to rebuild the house of our God and repair its ruins, and he has given us a wall of protection ..." Psalm 139:1 "O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are famili...

Chosen week 2: my suicide attempt story

Hey yall! Welcome to my second week of doing a video! Try to ignore my slightly fat lip lol! I had a canker sore and then bit that canker sore... Which resulted in a fat lip, and of course I didn't notice until I watched my video. This video shares my turning point story. If you've followed this blog, you've read the story before, but you are more than welcome to watch the video. I wish I knew how to change that still shot/preview still lol that one is awful  haha! I pray you are all doing ok. And if you're not, please find help. Remember that you are loved, you are wanted, and you are worth fighting for  If you are suicidal please reach out Goodnight all