Always so serious...

You probably can't tell from my blogs thus far, but I have a heck of a sense of humor.
I enjoy silly goofiness. I love jokes that make people roll their eyes. And I looove puns! :)

The best thing ever is to laugh until I cry or until my stomach hurts. It's great to hear my husband's laugh because of a joke I cracked or something hilarious one of our kids did. Especially when one of our kids do something they don't know is hilarious and we have to hide our laughter.

So.. To give you a giggle I'm going to share my most embarrassing moment.
I was in 6th grade reading out loud in my language arts class. I don't remember what the title of the book was, but the part I was reading said something like: the big hairy monster reached out and felt the girl with his tentacles. I however did not read "tentacles" I said "testicles". Some people in the class giggled and even my teacher was attempting not to laugh. I, being the naive girl I was, had no idea what I had said or why it was so funny. I'm pretty sure I read it more than once and said the same thing over and over.

Fast forward a few years: my family is on vacation. We stopped at Wal-Mart for something and my older sister and I were looking at birthday cards. I happen to pick one up that had a dog on it and it said "what should I wish for? A bone? A biscuit? Or maybe my testicles back?" I screamed! And started laughing. I have no idea how I managed to tell my sister why I was freaking out, but I did.

A while later we were all back in the van and my dad was driving. I relayed my story... He was laughing so hard he had to pull over!

To this day I am still teased about "tentacles".

I hope you enjoyed this blog and at least had a little bit of a giggle. :)


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