Christianity & Racism

Unfortunately I know a lot of people who say that they are Christians but are also racists. They claim Christ, but do not have love for their fellow humans that are different than they are.
I wonder how they would feel if they saw Jesus face to face, considering he wasn't white. (The thought of their faces when/if they see Him makes me giggle.)

It's funny to me that people will boast of their faith and the truth of the Bible, but fail to really SEE what it says. It says that Christ was born in Bethlehem, which is in the Middle East. Middle Eastern people have dark skin. I have a friend that is from Bangladesh and I imagine Jesus looked quite similar to him.

Another thing Racist Christians fail to SEE in the Bible is that Christ called us to LOVE. He didn't say just love those that are like you. In fact he said just the opposite. He told us to love everyone and to go into the world so that we could reach everyone for Him and His glory. Christ himself talked to and loved everyone even though it was against the traditions of His time. He reached out and loved every single person He came across.

We, as Christians, are called to love, without exception, without judgment, and without prejudice.

My husband and I have had much hatred and racist comments toward us from both Christians and Non Christians for being an interracial couple. We understand how hurtful it can be. And how ignorant people sound when they spew hatred.

Another item that get's brought up, often, is 2 Corinthians 6:14 and people say that we are not to be "unevenly yoked". However, they fail to continue to read the full verse. It says, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?" It continues with more comparisons between believers and unbelievers. It has NOTHING to do with skin color, it has to do with the state of their hearts. If you are with someone who does not believe in Christ and you believe in Christ, then you are out of the will of God. (The power of prayer is amazing! Don't ever stop praying for your love who is an unbeliever! God can and does change the hardest hearts! Don't give up praying for them or having faith that they will come to Christ!)

If you claim to be a Christian, live your life as a Christian. Don't hate anyone. Don't dislike someone or treat them differently because they have a different skin color than you or different beliefs than you.

Racism goes far beyond just skin tone. It can be because of religion, sexual orientation, skin, or anything else people come up with as reasons to hate others for.

We, as Christians, can disagree with how someone else lives, or what they believe, but we CANNOT treat them differently than those we agree with. We are still called to love them and treat them with equality.

Ok, I'm done rambling now. This is something that is very dear to me and very important for people to understand, so I could go on and on and on about it. lol

But I wont.

Have a blessed day everyone! (I say everyone and I think there's only a couple people that actually read these lol)


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