Why are we so mean?

Why are people so mean to each other?
Why do we always put other's down or think ill of them?
Why can we not love each other the way Christ loved?
That's what we're called to do, isn't it?

Christ didn't spend his time with the saints or religious leaders of his time. He spent it with the sinners and those who were deemed outcasts by society. And what's even better, he LOVED them! He loved them with genuine never ended, never ceasing, never changing Love. The kind of love that no human can express or understand.

In Mark 2:17 He states that He didn't come to earth for the righteous but for the sinners. He came just for us! How awesome is that!? 

Think about this: Christ/God is all knowing. Could you still be nice and loving toward someone you knew would betray you in the future? Could you still be nice and loving to someone you knew would be talking bad about you when you're not around? Could you still be nice to someone that you know would come between you and your spouse?
I don't know that I could. But Christ did. He still showed all of those he encountered that they mattered and that he loved them!

One of the commands that Christ spoke of was to Love others like you love yourself. (Matthew 22:39)
There aren't any stipulations or ways to get out of loving others, to it. It was just do it period.
It doesn't say only love them when you feel like it or when they do something nice for you.
It says to love people ALL the time, in all circumstances.

Is that easy? NO! But it's something we can work on.

If everyone, not even everyone, if everyone claiming to be a Christian, would show others the love Christ has called them to we would see a dynamic change in this world.

The only way we can fully show true Christ-like love to others is if we are following the first command Christ gave: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all you soul and with all your mind this is the first and greatest commandment. (Matthew 22: 37-38) So when we love God with our whole being then we can fully love others - and ourselves. (Ourselves is another blog for another day lol)

So many people are caught in looking at the circumstances and everything else in others, that they can't see the Child of God in them. We are all created in God's image no matter the social class, race, living situation, sexual orientation, etc.

In short, let's stop being mean. Let's stop being hateful.
And if you can't do that, at least shut up and keep the hatefulness to yourself. 
Love like Christ.

Love God, Love others, Love yourself.

Until next time! :)


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